Monday, March 26, 2012

The Reality of Our Possessions

We all own things, or at least we act like we do. But when you really think about what we have in our homes, on our driveways in our fridges and our lives, do we not owe someone a great THANK YOU. How many times have I taken for granted that at the end of a long day my home, bed and wife will be there to provide comfort and solace? I mean I don’t celebrate this fact every single day, but perhaps I should. Once in a while I catch a glimpse of a beautiful sunrise and stand in awe of the creation and by extension it’s creator, but aren’t they all magnificent even if I am not present or acknowledge them? Who am I to add significance the rising of the sun? I can only be thankful that it happens on a daily basis.

But back to my point, the things we use on a daily basis, my toothbrush, my stove, my fridge and even that movie I borrowed the other day, should I be just as grateful for them as for the dawn? The answer is a resounding YES, and it should be YES every time we use them. This is a part of societies problem as a whole, we have all lost sight of the significance of an item simply because it has been there longer than 5 minutes. Some how our thankfulness for something wanes with time and inattention and it becomes less worthy of our recognition.

Let’s use the example of the borrowed movie to illustrate my point. Say I borrowed a movie from you, wouldn’t I take care of it and make sure that it came back to you in the same fashion that I received it? Wouldn’t you? Sure you would, you are responsible and know that our relationship would be injured should I damage the item and break that bond of trust. I mean wouldn’t you expect me to replace it if it was damaged? Of course you would.

So now that we are thinking about being responsible for those things we borrow and don’t own, let us go back to the question “What do we really posses?” I mean the Bible states that “…all good gifts come from above from the father of lights.” And that in him “we live and move and breathe...” and lastly “the Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” Which means that all of those things you and I used this morning. Our shower, clothes, toothbrush, coffee cup, car and everything in between are not really ours. It is on loan from our Father above and should be treated with the appropriate respect; after all doesn’t he deserve the same respect for his things as we ask for our own.

The bottom line is this, to ensure appreciation and proper respect for what we call, “our things.” We must realize that they are all gifts and loaners from God above and should be treated and used with proper respect and intent to glorify not us but him. In the end the only possession we have is our God given gift of choice, for we do not even have dominion over our own bodies. So rejoice in his gifts, give thanks and try not to forget that you are blessed and loved by a generous and gracious Father.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Snail's Pace

Have you ever felt like you are moving so slow you could barely tell if you are moving at all? I don't mean physically, but mentally, emotionally or in other words spiritually.

Many times in my life and even very recently I have asked the question, “What is my purpose in life, what am I supposed to be doing or more importantly, what is God’s will for me.” I know that I am not alone, I have had many conversations with other fellow Christians and this topic remains at the forefront of many people’s minds. I am glad to see that I am not alone, and that people are interested in what God’s will is for their lives. It means that they are looking beyond their own needs. And so since I know I struggle with a common issue I wanted to share my thoughts with you.

I have realized a few things; God sometimes does not answer this question because, you are right where he wants you. Stop and think for a minute, if God had some larger plan for you, do you think that it would be difficult for him to put you into that plan. He who hung the stars and planets into place can do all things. Also in my daily “Grind” as many people call it, I find myself with moments of sharing Christ with others. Now granted probably not as much as I should. But what if God just wants you to live a righteous life and be an example to those currently around you? Who says you have to go to another country to be a missionary? Aren’t the people in your life now just as precious as the ones half way across the world and don’t they need the hope of Christ as much as the next person?

Sometimes this realization slips my mind and usually because I have failed to connect with God the first thing in the morning. So I urge you to do daily devotions, everyday and encourage you that you are where he wants you. Look for God’s will in all the things in your life, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” And if you are looking for a more direct connection with the father, prayer and fasting have helped me in the past to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and his will. Keeping a journal is often helpful and even walks by your self, looking at his creation can be inspiring. That is how I came up with today’s topic, the birds morning song reminded me that praise and worship are fitting everyday and that his will for us is new each morning.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Brothers & Sisters

In John 13 Jesus is enjoying the last supper with his disciples. And because he knew what was to come; his death on the cross, he intends to impart some final wisdom. One of the things he does is wash their feet, which has a twofold meaning. One it indicates that he came to serve the world as a sacrifice and two he came as the only acceptable example of how to live. He even asks them if they know why he washed their feet.
John 13:12-17So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”
His point was that because they had excepted him as their master, they too should be kind and loving and serve others for the greater cause which is God’s will. And that if even he, the Son of God could do this thing, they likewise should be able. This message was so important that he mentions again what should define them as his disciples.
John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
So what is the bottom line the believer, or better yet myself? I am supposed to be aware of the needs of my brothers and sisters in Christ and serve them and by doing so give a contradictory example to the world in order to make people stop and ask why and give Glory to our father in heaven. Our focus should not and cannot be ourselves as true disciples. Just as Christ went to the extreme by giving his life for others, we as servants and called to do the same. If you don’t believe me then check out how many times Jesus made them “Marvel” by his words and actions.
John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
The question I pose to you and myself today, is how are you serving your Brothers and Sisters?