Thursday, August 23, 2012

Too much to do

I don't know about the rest of you but I find from time to time that I have too much to do and become overwhelmed with life in general with my comings and goings. This great concern with the world is one of the greatest pitfalls that we can ever encounter. Sometimes I find that because of this problem I cannot focus, get frustrated easily and become angry with my failings and inabilities. It is at times like this that prayer was made for. Perspective and my place in the world is what needs to be reset and the only way to do that is to be face to face with my creator. Below is an example of what I pray and I hope that in the sharing of this others might find the same peace and contentment as I do. God Bless.

Lord, my life is full of questions and doubts, peppered with supposition and vain imaginings. Only when I am in your presence do I find true peace and comfort. The world is a heavy weight, one that we often pick up and place on our own shoulders. Let my perspective be corrected by you today and the understanding of your all-encompassing rulership settle my heart and quite my soul. For when I acknowledge your vast and awesome presence, then and only then do I know that nothing is beyond your grasp and control. May my being rejoice in the knowledge that you are my creator and you have known me from the beginning of time. And that you will guide and rule events, circumstances, and all of the daily mundane things in my life. And recognize all the love shown to me. May songs of joy always ring out from my lips, and I ask you to mold my heart with your spirit to become the man you wish me to be. May I have a vision of you in all things so that my steps will always be guided. Amen.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Welcome home

Recently I had a family member return from a long trip, the reason I am writing about this seemingly normal occurrence, is because I have noticed something in myself I don’t like. You have probably heard this catch phrase before, “absence makes the heart grow fonder,” or “you don’t know what you have until you lose it.” I am sure many you know have used at one time or another.

When you break down these two phrases, you should realize how sad these statements are. Not only does it show a lack of care or concern but true apathy. I am sorry to say that, I too am guilt of such a foolish and inconsiderate thing. We are social creatures and yet so many times we communicate badly with one another, without thought or care. Why is it that we only really care about something or someone when it is gone, broken or injured? So many times and ways I have heard the words, “I love you spoken” and the actions say something else. Regret is a terrible way to live and that is how most of us choose to operate day after day.

People often say that love is an emotion and comes from the heart and shouldn’t or doesn’t involve the head. To me this is a falsehood, that feeling you get when you are around someone you care about is made up of more than just a warm and fuzzy feeling. It lives and breathes in action and deeds. If faith without works is dead as the bible states, then love without care and intention is dead as well.

So I urge myself, and others, to love with your heart and your mind now, and not later. Stop living in regret, stop reacting to things around you and be proactive, share yourself with someone today. Don’t wait for their return after a long trip; tell them now “Welcome Home,” the one that dwells in your heart for them and them alone.