My words are not ample to express my heart for the Lord, for what can one offer to his Saviour but thanks, and for their return of one's soul, service? For he did not rescue me from a simple calamity; but from myself and my sinful fleshly ways, and no other path could or would suffice. He alone can accomplish this for nothing exists without him and nothing is beyond his grasp.
I did not simply fall physically, but mine was a spiritual fall, and I alone was unable to return upright. For once a deed is complete, ripples continue and increase as a stone in a pond would, actions have consequence. Trying to correct them would be as if to grasp at air, futile and laughable, so I ask how else can one pick themselves up and continue?
Only forgiveness by the offended will suffice. O Lord you are more than a remedy, more than a balm, you are the great healer who knows no bounds or limitations. It is written that you have removed my blemishes as far as the East is from the West and for that I weep with joy. For with my sin go also pride, hurt, shame, regret and all other forms of guilt and self-chastisement.
Who else deserves my attention or praise, only you O Lord. Your name and yours alone is worthy to be praise, for all the power and Glory is shown over and over to be singularly yours. Righteousness and worthiness are needed to remove a blot like mine, and so you sent your son, to right this plight of mankind.
For even my soul, heart and mind convicted me, not only once but also continuously. And if I; the imperfect creature, blamed and accused himself, what then of you, the one who is wholly Holy? What weight could set right the scale of balance, how large a stone from your perfect creation would tip back the scale? Only your son; the one who breathed life into every part of it, the one whose very essence was present at creations great advent.
Salvation is yours alone God, for I could never right my wrongs, that much loved could not be found in myself. And so in your perfect wisdom, tempered with Mercy and Grace and Love, you sent Jesus to take on my shame, and death on the cross. And to merely balance the scale; for you would never be enough, you did more than I could imagine, and gave me the gift of life ever more. Hallelujah!
Yet as I bare marks from the fall, I take solace in the knowledge that you, God, reign above it. And at your right hand sits one who made right, my wayward fall. Because he is risen I rejoice; knowing soon I too will be in your presence, not of my own merit, but because he did it all.
Until that day may my lips proclaim that you are the lover of my soul, and the giver of an eternal gift, offered to us all. Mere acceptance and recognition is all that is required, and a thank you Jesus in heart, soul and mind to respond to your call.